Which Non Alcoholic Beer Has The Least Calories?

Non-alcoholic beers are starting to become popular among people looking to reduce their alcohol intake, from annual events like Dry January and Sober October, but do these beers still pack the same caloric punch as regular beers? 

Do you even know why regular beer packs so many more empty calories? I’ll give you a hint; a lot of it is alcohol. However, this doesn’t give you the complete picture but don’t worry; I’ll break it all down for you. 

Additionally, adding non-alcoholic beer to your diet isn’t necessarily recommended if you don’t already drink beer because it still has empty calories and carbs. 

If you’re already drinking beer, there will be some benefits to reducing your alcohol intake, especially if you drink more than a few servings per day, along with reducing calories to assist with weight management. 

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Which non-alcoholic beer has the least calories? If you prefer macro brews, Coors Edge is one of the lowest options at only 41 calories. If you like craft beer, Run Wild IPA by Athletic Brewing was created with athletes in mind and only has 65 calories. I wrote a guide you should check out to learn more about Athletic Brewing. 

However, these are only two of many fantastic low-calorie offerings from old and new non-alcoholic breweries. Keep reading to see which beers you should try while keeping your caloric intake as low as possible. 

Does Non-Alcoholic Beer Have Less Calories Than Beer With Alcohol?

Generally, yes. Most non-alcoholic beers have 0.5% ABV or lower, which results in a lower-calorie beer, but not all NA beers are created equal, so read the labels. For the best options, it’s recommended to look for brands with 100 calories or less per bottle or can. 

Some non-alcoholic beers like Heineken 0.0% are 0% ABV, which is essential to know if you’re genuinely trying to avoid all alcohol while lowering your caloric intake. 

Which Non-Alcoholic Beer Has The Fewest Carbs?

Coming in at only 2g of carbs is Partake Brewing Blonde, also boasting only 15 calories; this is one of a handful of beers with the fewest carbs out there. These might be on the lighter side when it comes to taste, so you may need to sacrifice a few carbs for fuller flavor beers. 

Partake Brewing is located in Canada, and their entire lineup ranges from 10-30 calories and keeps carbs to a minimum, so they are worth checking out. They also plan to start producing in the US, which is excellent news. 

Five Non-Alcoholic, Low-Calorie Craft Beers

Most people know about the non-alcoholic low-calorie beer options from macro brewers like Anheuser Busch, Heineken, and Coors. Still, great small breweries are making tasty low-calorie beers, and here a five of my favorites. 

Athletic Brewing Co. – Athletic Lite

Athletic Brewing Co. - Athletic Lite
Athletic Brewing Co. - Athletic Lite

With only 25 calories, 5 carbs, and organic grains, this beer is deceptively simple but expertly crafted for light drinking good times.

This brew is light and refreshing, so any beer drinker should be able to enjoy this while hanging out with friends, catching up on chores, or enjoying a tasty meal. 

Best Day Brewing – Kölsch

Best Day Brewing - Kölsch
Best Day Brewing - Kölsch

If you’re unfamiliar with Kölsch, it’s a light, refreshing style with a toasty malt character and light on the hops. You’re getting a light and flavorful beer at only 55 calories and 11 carbs without sacrificing flavor. 

Surreal Brewing Company – Juicy Mavs Hazy IPA

Surreal Brewing Company Juicy Mavs Hazy IPA
Courtesy of Surreal Brewing Company

I bet you didn’t think you could enjoy a hazy IPA and still save on calories! You’re lucky because Juicy Mavs has only 25 calories and 4.9 carbs. It pairs well with most foods like seafood, salad, and grilled meats and has a nice clean malt finish. 

Rightside Brewing – Citrus Wheat

Rightside Brewing Citrus Wheat
Courtesy of Rightside Brewing

If it’s a classic wheat beer you’re after, you’ll be happy you picked up a sixer of this brew. It has all the usual flavors of banana, and tangerine juice, a hint of spice, a medium body, and a crisp finish. 

Oh, it’s only 49 calories and 10 carbs per can, so your waistline will thank you later. 

The Original Bravus – Raspberry Gose

Fresh raspberries

Okay, this one is pushing the envelope a bit with 96 calories and 18 carbs, but there’s a reason it won two gold medals, and I wanted something sour on this list to give you variety. 

Gose (pronounced goza) is a very approachable style if you’re just dipping your toe into the sour pool of beer, and if you like kombucha, you’ll appreciate the tartness, balanced with a bit of salt to counter the sweetness of the raspberries. 

Wrapping It Up

Most will agree that non-alcoholic beers under 100 calories per 12 oz serving are low calorie when you know that an average IPA with alcohol can clock between 180-200 calories per 12 oz serving. 

Generally, non-alcoholic beer will have fewer calories than beer with alcohol but make sure to read the labels for other factors like carbs and ingredients if you want organic or need gluten-reduced options. 

You no longer have to stick with macro brews to get a low-calorie beer. Great craft breweries are making delicious beer all around the US.

Knowing which non-alcoholic beer has the least calories is not as important as knowing which brands are delivering the healthier options in general, and I hope this post has shed more light on what’s available out there.
